Itinerary : Lotte World - Coex Mall - Gangnam - Han River Park
Last day has arrived! Why does time always fly so fast on holidays? T____T Our flight was at midnight so we were still had 1 full day to explore Seoul. The bus and subway fair increased per that day. The minimum fare was KRW 950 at first and became KRW 1050.
Finally we could run! What so special about that? Well, our legs were in pain since day 1. It felt hurt to sit down, to stand up, to walk after couple minutes stand still and more hurt to climb up the stairs. In the last day finally our legs had adapt. Even we can ran up the stairs.
How to go to Lotte World : From Hongdae Station, take line 2 (green line) and get off at Jamsil Station.
The entrance of Lotte World is located inside Lotte Mall. When we reached there at 9.30, the queue was really long. It was Saturday, so yeah.. no wonder. We didn't have much time so we bought general ticket for sightseeing only, no rides allowed. Lotte World has both indoor and outdoor theme park. It was almost spring so the theme was Spring Flower Festival. Indoor theme park was decorate with many beautiful life flowers.
The rides were more various than Everland. We walked around indoor then continue with outdoor. So sad I couldn't ride anything because there were so many rides I wanted to try. There was a machine to buy a single ride ticket but it was broken :( One day I'll go back there and play around ^^ We also bought some snacks. First we bought a snack with bacon wrap (I forget the name) then I bought big soes (cream puff). The soes filled with ice cream, chocolate syrup and cream. Yummy! We left at around 12.30 and went to Coex Mall.
How to go to Coex Mall : From Jamsil Station take line 2 (green line) and get off at Samseong Station.
Coex Mall is one of the biggest mall in Seoul. We had Jjajangmyeon for lunch at the food court. The portion was really big! I won't eat Jjajangmyeon for some time later.
We wandering around the mall. It was confusing due to lag of direction signs. Don't know how, but we ended up in Coex Aquarium. It's an indoor sea world. We didn't came in because every sea world is just the same.
At the mall yard there was a product promotion and they offered a free pollaroid photo with Star Wars characters, so we queued ;p
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Too bright -.-" |
How to go to Gangnam : From Samseong Station take line 2 (green line) and get off at Gangnam Station.
Gangnam is another famous shopping district. It's famous because usually some artists shop in this area. At least that's what I read in the internet. So actually we went there because we wanted to see some artists (LOL!) but there was none of them. It was another cold windy day. We went to Tom n Toms coffee shop to warmed our body. I ordered a mint green coffee latte, which is quite good. It was still about 16.00. We still have plenty of time so we headed to Han River.
How to go to Han River Park : From Samseong Station take line 2 (green line) and get off at Yeongdeungpo-gu Office Station then transfer to line 5 (purple line) and get off at Yeouinaru Station.
Han River Park is located at the side of Han River. It's a family park. The place is big and clean. We saw some people were playing with their dogs, cycling and riding rollerblades. The wind was so strong in that area and it was a really cold wind. Han River was an optional destination in our itinerary and I'm glad that we made it there.
From Han River Park we went to MBC building. It's located nearby. I think it was about 10-15 minutes walk. We asked the guard if we can come in to the yard just to take pictures and he said no. We asked again, can we take pictures from the road side, he said no -.-" So we took a photo sneakily on our way back to subway station :p
At 17.30 we went back to guesthouse to take our luggage. Apparently we were the first Indonesian who stayed there so we left a note in memorial window. We said goodbye to Jin and DJ and headed to Incheon Airport by AREX. We went to the airport early because we wanted to see duty free shop around. But when we reached there, the check in booth was still close.While waiting for check in, we went around Incheon from floor to floor dragging our heavy luggage.
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very long travelator |
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ice skeating ring |
When we went back to check in booth, it was open but the queue was already long. It was the longest check in queue I ever had. After check in we went to a small cafe to buy a cheese ham sandwich for dinner. When we arrived at the duty free shops area, most of them were already closed and it was only 21.30! Haizzzz!! They're not open 24h -.-" Nothing we could do anymore, we rode the shuttle train to go to boarding gate. We had to wait for about 2 hours before departed.
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the gates |
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waiting room |
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brochures we gathered during the trip |
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Some things I bought |
It was a really fun trip in South Korea. We often changed our itinerary in the very last minutes, but still got all our destinations covered. We got the art of traveling a.k.a got lost couple times : didn't know the way to guesthouse, got off at the wrong subway station, exit in the wrong exit in subway station, wrong bus stop, don't know where the bus stop is, enter the wrong side of subway station couple times, should've transfer to other line but we walked in the wrong turn and ended up exit the subway station, have to walk around quite far because we caught the wrong train. Us, been there, done all that. LOL!
So sad to say goodbye to South Korea and go back to real life. I want to go back there again someday. I haven't play around in Lotte World, haven't visit Jeju and some more places I want to explore. So I guess I'll see you again South Korea! Just wait for me :)
Lotte World - KRW 25.000
Snack with bacon wrap - KRW 2500
Big soes - KRW 3000
Jjajangmyeon - KRW 5500
Green mint coffee latte - KRW 4600
Cheese ham sandwich - KRW 5500
Total transportation fee - KRW 41300
seru banget...:) aku baca dari day1-last day nya. Semoga tahun depan bisa ke Seoul:) Kalo boleh tau brp rupiah biaya yg dikeluarin dari apply visa sampai hari terakhir di Seoul? Thanks
Kalau biaya visa RP 400.000,00 krn aku urus via travel. Harusnya sih lbh murah dr itu kyknya ya? Terus slaen visa, aku abisnya ngga sampe 8jt. Sekitar 7 lebih uda all in semua :)
wow jadi anggap aja 8juta utk 6d5n ya..... thanku infonya yaaa, suka banget bacanya, very helpful :)
klo totalnya sebenernya tergantung shoppingnya sis.. Klo tanpa shopping kmrn aku ngga sampe 7jt kok. mayan banyak shopping soalnya.. hehehe..
Sama2 sis.. klo sis mau ke korea n ada yg kurang jelas, tanya aja gpp :)
Trims Sis buat fr nya travelling ke Korea Selatan
Pengen ke sana juga sih, plan for next holiday :D
Kalo musim gugur di sana, jatuhnya bulan apa yah ?
Kyknya sekitar agustus - oktober atau awal november gt.. buat pastinya bisa tanya ke Mbah Google aja.. hehehe..
Mau ke sana autumn ya? denger2 Sorak San ama Nami Island bagus banget pas autumn
Iya nih maunya cari musim gugur aja biar gak terlalu panas or dingin di sananya
Coba deh ntar aku googling dulu
Mumpung AA mo ada promo rute internasional ntar mlm :D
Trims again yah Sis !
mau tny sis, antara everland dan lottle world bagusan mana ya? thanks before...:)
Wah pilihan yang sulit.. beda sis. Klo everland kan ada garden, zoo, parade ama wahana2. Klo lotte world wahana2 lbh banyak dr everland dan ada skating rink. Wahananya ada yg sama, ada yg beda juga si.. Klo ada waktu mending ke dua2nya aja. hehehe.. Klo sis ngga mau jauh2 dr Seoul ya ke Lotte world aja. Ke everland lumayan makan waktu.
Hey your blog has been a great help. I m Indonesian but my wife is American born Chinese. We came from Los Angeles to Seoul, and we love Running Man. Their first episode was shot at a huge mall called Times Square. I hope I can catch them shooting a scene
Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog n I'm so happy to be able to help. I went to some RM shooting places but missed the real filming :( Are you in Korea right now? Hope u have a better luck and able to see the RM filming. Have a great trip there! ;)
Fotonya bagus, pakai dslr yah?
Eh ngga.. Pake kamera digital biasa ama hp ^^
Halo Christine...Sy rencana pergi Seoul April thn dpn. Msh wondering gimana jalan2 sendiri Tampa tour di seoul. Luckily, I found ur blog, it is so informative:). Btw, travel by subway Susah ga sih? Since there are 9 lines, and we have to do a lot of interchanges. Ada tips ga biar ga bingung pake subway? Informasi didalam subway jelas ga kalo mau menuju station lain yg beda line? Thanks before ;)
Traveling by subway ngga susah kok. Subway di sana nyaman dan mau ke mn2 plg enak naik subway.
Tips dr aku si sblm brkt sis siapkan dulu itinnya. Mau ke mn aja n naik apa ke sana. Klo aku si tiap kali traveling slalu buat tabel di excel itin per hari ke mana aja n transportasinya gimana. Ntar itu aku print n wkt di sana dibawa ke mn2. Trus bawa Seoul map n subway map jg. Klo sewkt2 itin perlu diubah bisa lsg plajari peta di jln n bisa atur jg dr tabel yg uda dibuat, klo2 ada yg mau ditukar harinya.
Petunjuk dlm subway semua ada inggrisnya. Klo petunjuk transfer di bbrp station ada yg mbingungin. Aku bbrp kali salah belok spt yg uda aku critakan di atas. Cuman yah buat aku seni traveling di sana. Klo ngga ada nyasar n bingungnya ngga seru. Ngga ada critanya. Hehe.. Klo sis di sana bingung cari direction bisa tanya org2 sana. Mreka helpful kok n pasti bantu, apalg klo tau kita turis :)
ic..thanks christine..btw, km ada link map seoul/subway yg informative ga untuk didownload? kynya sih sebagian besar jalannya mau pake subway kecuali yang harus pake bus:)..thanks before!
Utk map request aja ke KTO via websitenya. Free kok. Skalian request travel guide book. Map nya lengkap
Hi Christine,
I just read your blog & it is nice with full info.I just back from SK and Jeju..Jeju is soo beautiful with lots of interesting place to visit.Next time don't miss to visit Jeju.I'm also would like to visit SK & Jeju again..
Just want to know,which theme park is the best,either Everland or Lotte world?
Is it really cheap to shop at Hongdae area rather than Dongdaemun?I only shop my souvenier at Namdaemun.
Actually I stayed at Pencil Guesthouse 2 & its worth it to stay there..
Happy Blogging =)
Next time I'll visit Jeju too.. Where did u stay in Jeju? Did u rent a car or smth to go around Jeju?
I really can't decide which one is the best Lotte World or Everland. Lotte has more rides than everland. Everland has zoo, gardens and in winter snow buster. I love both and will go back to those 2 places again when I'm back to SK ;) did u went to those theme park?
I didn't buy many things there coz they're expensive. For clothes I found Hongdae's price is cheaper than Dongdaemun. I bought a quite cheap boot in Dongdaemun tho. I bought souvenirs in Namdaemun too
Oh u stayed at Pencil 2? It's newer than pencil 1 but they don't provide mineral water right? Also the location is further from MRT n the price is higher. They hv pencil 3 now.
Hi, Christine. Salam kenal, I'm Victoria, also an Indonesian citizen ^^
I heart your post about your trip to South Korea.
Very complete & informative ^^
Aku baru balik dari sana September kemarin. Tapi as a tour leader.
I fell in love with South Korea ever since, and plan to go back there again next year, as a backpacker seperti kamu.
Aku amazed baca reply kamu bahwa kamu cuma habis sekitar 8juta.
Kamu naik pesawat apa kemarin ini? 8juta sudah sama ticket pesawat?
Dan naik subway disana susah atau gampang? Haven't had a chance to try the subway yet.
Terus kamu selalu nginep di guest house kah?
How much did they cost you per night in average?
Minta guidance nya ya kalau boleh ^^
Thank you in advance, Christine. I feel so lucky to find a blog like yours ^^
Hi Victoria, salam kenal juga ^^
Wah asik ya tour leader. Dari dulu aku pengen jadi tour leader biar bisa sering traveling tapi akirnya malah masuk farmasi. Hahaha..
Kemarin 8 juta uda all in semua, incl tiket psawat pp, guesthouse 5 mlm, makan, transport, bahkan sampai shopping. Klo minus shopping jadi 7 juta krg dikit. Aku naik AirAsia waktu ada promo dpt 3.3 pp all in. Cuman kyknya skrg susah dpt harga promo segitu dr Sby. Klo kmu dr jkt lebih enak, garuda klo lg promo ke seoul dr jkt jg murah bgt, skitar 3.5 pp dapet. AA klo promo dr jkt juga lbh murah dr Sby.
Subway di sana gampang kok. Klo kmu pernah naik MRT di singapore, ya sama aja. Cuman bedanya di sana tulisan petunjuknya pake hangul ama inggris. Di tiap station ada subway map di dinding, cuman aku lbh prefer bawa subway map sendiri juga. Klo misal ternyata hrs segera ganti destination bisa lsg cek rute subway di mana pun.
Aku stay di pencil guesthouse 1 drh Hongdae. Wkt itu private room kena 50 won per mlm (isi 2 org). Utk update harganya bisa lsg cek di webnya aja, ada di post day 1. Klo hotel di sana mahal amat ya. Aku sempet cek harganya skitar 1jt'an per malam. Klo untuk anak muda si aku lbh saranin nginap di guestouse krn bisa ktemu org2 baru dr sluruh dunia, make new friends. Asik aja si bisa ngumpul2 bareng klo malem ngobrol2. Hehehe..
Thanks banget untuk info nya ya, Christine. Membantu sekali. Kemarin ini sih sempet check2 harga guests house, aku nemu ada yang namanya Kim's Guest House. Itu lumayan sih. Average nya KRW 21000/pax/night. Jadi lumayan lah klo memang pergi nya pergi budget. Aku lagi planning, check this n that. Rute2 nya dll ... will update you nanti yah klo aku sampe kesampean backpacking kesana ... setuju banget, better nginep di guests house ya. Bisa sekalian make new friends juga ^^ ...
thanks again, Christine. Nice to know such a lovely person like you ^^
Sama2 :)
Hv a nice trip in Korea ^^
Holaa, mau nanya semua daerah yg di kunjungi itu msh di sekitar seoul? terus untuk akomdasi kira habis brpa? minus tiket PP yaaa, thanksss
Iya drh sekitar Seoul aja. Klo total smua di sana minus shopping n tiket pp sekitar 3.7 jt'an
Ooo, gituu..thankss buat infonyaa
wah. sangat informatif!! ijin share ya..
Silahkan :)
itu 8 juta sudah sama hotel beum?
Uda smua all in incl shopping :)
Hai2 Christine. Thank you for sharing with us. It's very informative. I am from Indo juga. I dont know if my question is appropriate but here it goes.
Di SK kan ada 9 provinsi kalo saya mau keliling baiknya kemana aja ya? Selama ini saya cari info kebanyakan dapetnya info sekitar seol saja.
Ada info mengenai provinsi lain ga? Ato di mana saya bisa dpt info2 itu?
Thank u
Hi.. Cb ke web visit korea aja. Di sana info lengkap Korsel, ngga cm Seoul. Klik aja banner visit korea di sebelah kanan blog aku.. Hope it can help :)
Wahhhh cpt bgt replynya. Hehehe thank u yaaa.
Hi Christine, aku Amelia. It's great to find this blog, you wrote it very clearly and details. Next month, i'm going to Seoul with 8 of my friends. But haven't where we will stay. At first, we choose Hongdae area but recently my other friend just came back from Seoul told me that it;s better to stay at MyeongDeong/Insadong/Dongdaemun area as it's downtown area. But not many guesthouse/hostel there, only a few and it's quite expensive. What is your suggestion? Our consideration is of course the price, but also the location.
Hi Amelia,
As for me, I prefer Hongdae because this is a youth area, many street food stalls which are cheap and it's alive at night. It has a direct MRT to airport (commuter line). So according to my oppinion, Hongdae is perfect for youngsters. That's why I decided to stay at Hongdae area :)
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